You should make a complaint or report because the South Australian community deserves a professional public sector they can trust.

When public institutions and the people who work with or for them do not act with integrity, it affects both individuals and the community in many ways.

  • It wastes public resources that might otherwise be available to provide services to you and your family.
  • It undermines confidence in the system.
  • It can sometimes cause serious injury or even death.

Regardless of the outcome of your complaint or report, the information you share with us is valuable. It helps to develop a big picture of public administration in South Australia, including its risks and vulnerabilities.

Your obligations

All public officers within the public sector have an obligation to report suspected corruption to the OPI and are encouraged to also report misconduct and maladministration.

Examples of public officers include staff of local government, universities, contractors and South Australia Police.

This is not an exhaustive list - check to see if you have an obligation to report.