All public officers are expected to conduct themselves with integrity.

If you are a public officer, you have an obligation to report certain types of improper conduct to the OPI.

Check to see if you are considered a public officer.

Reporting corruption

If you are a public officer, you must report any matter you reasonably suspect to be corruption in South Australian public administration to the OPI.

Corruption involves certain criminal offences, including:

  • bribery or corruption of public officers
  • threats or reprisals against public officers
  • abuse of public office
  • offences relating to appointment to public office
  • offences against the Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability Act) 1995, the Public Corporations Act 1993 and the Lobbyists Act 2015

All suspected corruption must be reported.

There are some exceptions to these reporting obligations, outlined in our Directions and Guidelines.

Reporting misconduct and maladministration

Public officers are also encouraged to report any misconduct or maladministration in public administration to the OPI.

Police officers

If you are a designated officer under the Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 you have reporting obligations under this Act too.